Star Wars Fanon

                      DARTH QUANTOS

created by, Faust Morgenstern.(Ctrl/Cmd+V)                                                                     

Born: Sometime during the rise ofDarth Nihilus                                                                   

Species: Human                                                               

Gender: Male

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Yellow

Known masters: Darth Jadus and Darth Malak

Affliction: Darth Malak's Sith Empire/Dark Council

Cybernetics: None                                                   


  The man who would become known as Darth Quantos, was first a force sensitive human male who was born on the sith capital of Dromound Kass somtime during the rise of Darth Nihilus . He attempted to join the Dark Council, but they refused him. The only man who actually saw potential in Quantos was a member of the Dark Council named Darth Jadus

After the fall of Darth Nihilus, a newly named Darth Quantos, jorneyed on a mission for Darth Jadus. After he learned that Jadus has been arrested, Quanton atempted to escape the wrath of the Dark Council. While journeying through space on a stolen ship, Quantons sensed a disturbence in the force and followed it to the ancientSith homeworld planet Korriban . There he saw the two future dark lords of the sithRevan andMalak locating a star forge map peice. When Malak and Revan left, Quantons attempted to escape Korriban, but was encountered byjedi masterBastilla Shan . Shan recognized the Dark side of the force in him and attempted to capture the sith lord  for questioning at the Jedi council. Quantons managed to escape and jumped into hyperspace on his ship.


While on Dromound Kaas, Darth Quantons heard about the betrayl of Darth Malak and journeyed to his newly created fleat that was created by the remade Star Forge. Malak asked Quantos what he wanted and Quantos offered himself as a sith apprentice. Malak agreed. Malak trained his new apprentice in lightsaber combat and Quanton became a skilled duelist with the double- bladed lightsaber which he crafted himself. Later Malak learned that Darth Revan had survived the attack on his ship that was ordered by Malak himself. He also learned that Revan was captured and reprogrammed by the Jedi council to bring him back to a Jedi. 


" Get him!, Quantos to the sith troopers.

When Revan's new jedi training was complete, he, Bastilla Shan, and one more Jedi were ordered to board Malak's ship and attempt to defeat the Dark Lord of the Sith. Malak commanded Darth Quantos to lead a group of Sith and Sith Troopers to stop and capture the group. Upon seeing Revan, Quantos ordered the troopers to attack while he himself attempted to get away. Revan and his group managed to kill the troopers and followed Quantos. There, the Sith opened a surprise attack on the trio and killed one jedi. He then charged and attempted to kill a stratled Bastilla Shan but Revan blocked the blow and told Shan to go ahead and keep Malak busy until he got there. After Bastilla escaped, Quantos and Revan continued to exchange blows. However Revan had the upper hand due to years of study as a sith lord and as a jedi. Revan disarmed Quantos and then sent the sith lord flying backward with a amplified force kick. Quantos slammed into the wall and Revan was about to thrust his lightsaber forward when Quantos unleashed force lightning which caused Revan to scream and drop his lightsaber. Quantos then force pulled his lightaber towards him and activated both sides and bringing the tip of it to Revan's throat.


While Quantos was leading a captured Revan to Malak, Revan kicked the handle of Quantos's lightsber and sent it spinning away. He then activated his own lightsaber and was about to bring it down on Quantos when Revan sensed a disturbance in the force and knew that Bastilla was in trouble. He force-pushed Quantos away and sent the sith lord sprawling on the floor. Revan then ran after Bastilla a moment later followed by Quantos.


After arriving at the center of the Star Forge and seeing Revan locked in combat with Malak, Quantos charged toward Bastilla Shan and attempted to disarm the exhausted jedi. However he underestimated her, and Shan used her foce meditation skill to create a powerful force blast which knocked the sith lord away and toward the nine jedi capsules which fueled Malak with never ending energy. Quantos's lightsaber spun away and destroyed three of the capsules which allowed Revan to mortally wound Malak and defeat his one time closest friend. Upon seeing his master dead, fear and and pure hatred filled Quantos and he charged toward the two jedi. After force pushing Revan away and unleashing a blizzard of attacks from his double bladed lightsber he manager to bring the already exhausted Shan to her knees and was about to deliver the killing blow when Revan leaped in the ways and got wounded instead. The sith lord was surprised but then sneered and proceeded to kill both jedi when the Mandalorians and the Republic forces stormed the star forge to rescue the jedi. His plans foiled and his master dead, Quantos knocked both Revan and Bastilla uncouncious after swearing to them that he will return. He then grabbed his fallen master's lightsber and summoned his own before escaping in an escape pod and landing on the planet that was below the star forge with the republic having succecfully saved the two wounded jedi from the exploding remains of the star forge.    


After losing his master in the fight on the Star Forge, Darth Quantos flew back to Dromound Kaas.There he learned that Jadus was being held prisoner. Darth Quantos stunned the guards and then used the system to override the security. He then found Jadus. But Darth Jadus wanted to stay. He used his force powers to create a disturbance in the force which summoned his once fellow dark councilers. He then unleashed a force blast which blew all of the councilers of there feet and into a nearby wall. Standing in the middle of the Council room and surrounded by unconsious bodies of Dark Councilers and Sith troopers Darth Jadus was now the one and most powerful member of the Dark Council and second to only the Emporor himself. He then officially claimed Darth Quantos as his Sith Apprentice and a secret member of the Dark Council.


  After getting a spot on the Dark Council', Darth Quantos was given his first assighment by his new master Darth Jadus. Jadus knew how Meetra Surik , a renage Jedi general, was responsible for the deaths of many fellow Sith Lords. He also knew about her immpressive potential in the force and thought that he could use them to create knew abilities. He sent Darth Quantos along with a squad of sith droids and troopers to hunt down Surik and bring her to him alive. '


Quantos's sources led him to beleive that the Jedi Order has agreed to let Surik become a general in their armies. Darth Quantos and his squad of Sith forces arrived on Coruscant and landed on the top of the Jedi Temple. Quantos then contacted Darth Jadus back on Dromound Kaas and said that perhaps instead of just attempting to capture one measly Jedi instead lead a full-scale surprise attak onto the Jedi Temple. Darth Jadus agreed and prepared a fleet of ships to fly at once. The fleet would be led by his personal battle cruiser, the Dominator. Darth Jadus ordered his fleet to jump into hyperspace and hover over the Jedi Temple. He then let the bottom parts of the ships open and allow Sith, Sith Troopers, and droids to pour out and attack the front of the temple killing the Republic Soilders that were standing guard outside. Meanwhile, Darth Quantos and his squad jumped through a hole in the Jedi Temple roof and immediantly attacked the Jedi. The Jedi were totally unprepared for the attack, so a number of them were slain before they recovered and managed to hold of the enemy. Jadus shouted to Darth Quantos to search for Meetra Surik, but a few Jedi heard his order and attempted to intercept the Sith Lord. He activated his lightsaber and momentarily surprised the Jedi with his double blade and managed to impale one of them. He then summersaulted backwards and engaged the two remaining Jedi in a lightsaber duel. Knowing that he probably couldn't kill both of them, he jumped into the air and then landed with a force smash which blew the Jedi back. Darth Quantos then scaled the temple until he found Darth Revan and Meetra Surik together fighting Sith Troopers. Quantos watched as Revan cut two of them down and force pushed another into Meetra's lightsaber. Quantos waited until Meetra's back was turned then gave the signal for his squad to attack Revan while he charged toward Surik. The Sith Lord deactivated the second blade of his lightsaber and attacked Surik with only one on. He then spun around and attempted to disarm the Jedi by activating the second blade toward her lightsaber handle, but Surik was aware of this and force pushed Quantos away and into a colum. Quantos rose slowly, spat on the floor, and then used the force to crumble the colum and make it fall on top of Surik. Surik dogded it and rolled away. Revan killed the squad and charged toward Quantos. Revan kicked Quantos away and then disarmed him and was about to kill him when a unmanned ship crashed into the Jedi Temple. The force of the blow knocked the three fighters into opposite directions. Unwilling to fail his mission with Jadus, Quantos commanded one of the surviving droids to scan Surik's abilities when it was done, Quantos downloaded it's data and then attempted to scramble from the room when a tile fell off of the roof and struck the Sith Lord. Quantos managed to get up, force push Revan away, and struggle toward the Dominator, where Darth Jadus and the remaining forces were waiting. Jadus pulled the hyperdrive and the Dominator jumped into space.

Legacy: Darth Quantos appears many more times after the fall of Darth Malak and on one occasion becomes the Dark Lord of the Sith. Darth Revan also mentioned that Darth Quantos may have been closer to Malak as a sith then Revan ever was.

Personality and Traits: Darth Quantos was a sith lord who was impatient and yet very manipulative and cunning. Unlike most sith lords, he is not determined to kill his master and take his place. Another trait is that he was a slight coward. He was also ambitious like most sith. Quantos holds a long-standing grudge against Revan for killing Darth Malak whom he very respected and admired as a master. Darth Quantos was a human male who stood about somewhere between 1'79" to 1'89. He had thick wavy black hair and smooth pale skin. His eyes were yellow. He also wore a black faceplate mask which covered his facial features. Darth Quantos rarely removed his mask and he wore it at almost all times. He also wore a pair of black battle robes which fit around him and had a hood attached to the back.

Powers and Abilities: Darth Quantos was a skilled lightsaber duelist and was able to hold his own against Darth Revan for some time. He was one of the few sith who used a double bladed lightsaber which he had crafted himself. Darth Quantos was also skilled with the force and able to use force lightning, force push\pull, and various other powers.

Relationships: There are only two relationships that is known about Darth Quantos is his master Darth Malak. During his time as Malak's apprentice, the two bonded strongly and quickly. They both wanted to find a way of eternal life and both were determined to rule the galaxy. Another one is Darth Jadus. Darth Quantos may have never became a sith lord if it wasn't for this secritive and powerful Sith Lord.




